
More advertising studies

Advertising only works if it gets exposure.


It may be very challenging to find the right media mix. In times of tight marketing budgets and ongoing changes in media consumption habits, there is a growing need for certainty and dependability. With respect to their proven advertising impact, Out of Home Media are one hundred percent reliable.

Here you will find informative advertising studies that we have conducted together with renowned research institutes in various communication spaces.

Best prospects for your advertising

The mountains advertising space offers a unique environment for effective out-of-home campaigns. Advertising in the mountains appeals to an affluent and high-spending audience. This is confirmed by a campaign analysis from winter 2023/2024: "Younger people and people with high incomes were reached disproportionately well in all campaigns." (intervista, 2024) 


Your target group feels at home here

The feeling of freedom in the mountains is indescribable. This emotional environment creates a special effect for advertising messages: analogue and digital advertising is perceived more strongly and seen as a welcome change during waiting times. Studies conducted over many years show this: Approximately 8 out of 10 respondents in the mountains feel "comfortable or extremely comfortable" (intervista, 2024).



The Swiss mountains are one of the most beautiful places in the world

In co-operation with intervista , a targeted survey "Advertising in mountain regions in summer" was carried out, which delivered convincing results:



Millenials and Gen Z are also discovering the mountains for themselves



These companies fit particularly well in the mountains



Intervista survey "Performance & impact in the mountains" 2024
Intervista survey "Mountain advertising summer" 2021
BASPO, Sport Schweiz 2020


Find out more about the customised advertising options here and book your advertising campaign in breathtaking mountain landscapes today.

Our sales team will be happy to advise you personally.

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«BDM Business Decision Makers» –
international airport study by JCDecaux
among top managers

(2018, 4 ,464 interviews worldwide, values in %)

Survey on the attitude of top managers
towards business trips and B2B advertising.
Source: Future Thinking, 2018



Flughafen Grafik EN

At the airport, top managers are receptive to B2B advertising and
perceive it very strongly.

TMS Perception Study

For APG|SGA Transport Advertising, qualitative data on the attention behavior of advertising spaces in buses was collected using a new measurement method. In spring 2020, a multi-stage pilot study was conducted using eye-tracking to analyse passengers' gaze patterns during bus journeys in public transport vehicles of Luzern. In addition, follow-up surveys on perception were conducted.   
The original hypothesis was clearly confirmed. Public transport interior spaces in general, but especially the TrafficMediaScreens, attract a lot of attention and offer a unique environment for effective out-of-home campaigns. This was the result of the qualitative study conducted by the HEG Haute école de gestion Arc Neuchâtel. The use of the smartphone also stimulates the advertising effect. Therefore, TrafficMediaScreens are ideally suited in combination with mobile campaigns from aymo MobileTargeting.


Most important results

  • TMS screens were observed by the entire random sample (n=17)

  • TMS screens received significantly more attention than smartphones, accounting for 54% of the measured contact time


% share of dwell time per advertising medium (eye contacts) in total


Eye contact with the smartphone that was brought along significantly increased the time spent on the TMS screens - namely by more than 43%, from 32.9 seconds (without smartphone interaction) to 47.1 seconds (with smartphone interaction).


Share of dwell time by advertising medium (eye contacts) in total



Public transport advertising perception study (BLS study 2014)

Public transport advertising is noticed, liked and sticks. 5 million people in Switzerland use public transport every day and are receptive to advertising messages. Public transport advertising achieves the highest reach.


Where is advertising most noticeable during commuting?


Public transport advertising is actively viewed

85% of passengers regularly look at advertising in/on buses, trams, trains.


Public transport advertising is likeable

87% of passengers find public transport advertising likeable.


Sales results thanks to public transport advertising

66% of the advertising target groups buy products based on advertising they have seen on public transport.


The target groups have money to spend

72% of the advertising target group have a regular income.


Unique ambience for your brand

The advertising space "mountains" offers a unique environment for effective Out of Home campaigns. Advertising in the mountains meets an audience with purchasing power and a willingness to spend. In collaboration with intervista, a targeted survey of skiers was carried out for the 2019-2021 seasons, which delivered convincing results. The figures, data and facts show that advertising in the mountains not only receives above-average attention, but is also highly appreciated by the public. Moreover, the uniqueness of this advertising space for the communication of brands and products is underlined. Some facts are listed below.

In the mountains

  • you have more space and less competition for your advertising.

  • the target group is very receptive to your advertising message.

  • longer waiting times allow for intensive advertising contacts.


Advertising perception in winter sports areas


Advertising effect of BigPosters


Assessment of moving image advertising on digital advertising media




An ideal and effective advertising platform for local offers as well

Evaluation of local advertising in ski resorts


Local advertising pays off
