

aymo mobile targeting: Target-group definition to the metre for mobile advertising campaigns

October 30, 2018

APG|SGA Interaction launches its new website with an absolute innovation: The aymo mobile targeting website provides a free choice of polygons and perimeters. This enables clients to define their target areas to the exact metre, thus significantly increasing the relevance of their advertising messages.

The new website www.aymo.ch includes case studies of past aymo campaigns, examples of campaign set-ups with the aymo targeting solutions LiveTarget, ReTarget, GeoTarget and BillboardTarget, as well as live chat with aymo’s Campaign Management team.

The location data technology developed by APG|SGA Interaction for the two products aymo LiveTarget (real-time targeting) and aymo ReTarget (location-based re-targeting) is based on a direct data connection to 17 high-quality, wide-reaching Swiss mobile apps. This generates over 3.8 million location data points daily.

Polygons are marked on a map in order to narrow down the geographical target group for an advertising campaign. This allows the target area to be limited to the metre, and thus increases the location and temporal relevance of the advertising message many times over. The new features allow website users to define target-group-specific polygons or perimeters and receive a quotation directly.




Raphael Bratschi, Head of APG|SGA Interaction,
Giesshübelstrasse 4, 8045 Zurich, tel. +41 58 220 78 52, raphael.bratschi@apgsga.ch

APGISGA, Allgemeine Plakatgesellschaft AG, Media Office
Giesshübelstrasse 4, 8045 Zurich, tel. +41 58 220 70 71, media@apgsga.ch