

aymo: APG|SGA Interaction launches pinpoint mobile targeting

February 26, 2018

On 26 February 2018, APG|SGA Interaction is launching its aymo service, thus emphasizing its expertise on the Swiss mobile advertising market. The Interaction team has developed unique targeting technology that sets new standards in the accuracy of location-based targeting.

aymo is APG|SGA Interaction’s new product brand, representing a further milestone in active marketing in the mobile media, interactive and data collecting area of Switzerland's leading Out of Home advertising company. The name aymo stands for “aim” and “mobile”. The creative word combination expresses the precision of the new mobile products, which can also be booked separately from its analogue and digital poster advertising.

The technology developed by APG|SGA Interaction for the two products aymo LiveTarget (real-time targeting) and aymo ReTarget (location-based re-targeting) is based on a direct data connection to over 15 wide-reaching Swiss mobile apps that generate more than 2.5 million location data points daily. The data partnerships enable APG|SGA Interaction to guarantee high-quality location data at all times. With location-based advertising targeting, only GPS and beacon data are used. Polygons are marked on a map in order to narrow down the geographical target group for an advertising campaign. This allows the advertiser to limit the target area to the metre, and thus increase the location and temporal relevance of the advertising message many times over.

The aymo products have been thoroughly tested over the past few months, with the help of local and national customers. The high performance level in terms of click rates and time spent on the landing page clearly showed the direct effect of the pinpoint aymo Targeting.



Raphael Bratschi, Head of APG|SGA Interaction,
Giesshübelstrasse 4, 8045 Zurich, T +41 58 220 78 52, raphael.bratschi@apgsga.ch

APG|SGA, Allgemeine Plakatgesellschaft AG, Media Office,
Giesshübelstrasse 4, 8045 Zurich, T +41 58 220 70 71, media@apgsga.ch