APG|SGA extends successfully the long-term collaboration with the city of Belgrad
Alma Quattro d.o.o., a serbian subsidiary of APG|SGA SA, wins the tender offer and extends the contract with the Serbian metropolis Belgrade within the scope of a public private partnership model for 25 years.
As in the past, the Serbian subsidiary of APG|SGA SA, Alma Quattro, will be the exclusive partner to the capital city of Serbia for street furniture and advertising on public ground. Alma Quattro will be equipping the city with bus shelters, public toilets, signage, benches and waste bins. In return, Alma Quattro receives the concession for the commercialization of the advertising media on public ground.
Additionally to the existing advertising media, further attractive advertising locations will be added. Moreover, a rollout of digital advertising media is planned for the city center.
APG|SGA, Allgemeine Plakatgesellschaft AG, Media Office,
Giesshübelstrasse 4, 8045 Zurich, T +41 58 220 70 71, media@apgsga.ch