APG|SGA: initiatives and staff-related reinforcements
APG|SGA initiatives and staffrelated reinforcements in the area of automated booking and handling processes: Following the successful launch of APG|SGA's online booking tool «posterdirect.ch» for SMEs and private customers, the company has commenced other initiatives in the field of digitized planning, booking and handling processes. These include the analysis of the possible development of digital and analogue inventory using ad serving solutions plus the development of e-commerce platforms for all APG|SGA's customer categories.
Nicolas Adolph, Head of the Digital Competence Center, is in charge of the ad serving project. As of 1 Sep-tember 2015, project management and the further development of sophisticated e-commerce platforms and front-end solutions for the advertising and acquisition market will be the remit of Reto Pensa, who will report directly to the CEO, Markus Ehrle. Reto Pensa has been Head of Business Development at Xentive AG since 2011 and is a specialist in the planning and execution of business process outsourcing and system integrations in the media field.
Markus Ehrle, CEO of APG|SGA, comments on these developments: «We want to offer all our advertising and procurement market partners state-of-the-art customer experiences and e-commerce platforms, which will enable them to reduce their outlay and continue to increase their service and advisory quality. With our initiatives and the recruitment of Reto Pensa we are underscoring our role as a professional, dynamic and leading provider in the media sector and in the market for analogue and digital out-of-home advertising.»
APG|SGA Media Office
Giesshübelstrasse 4, 8027 Zurich, T +41 58 220 70 71, media@apgsga.ch