

Letter to shareholders/Half-year report 2009

July 30, 2009

The globally dismal economic situation brought with it a significant decrease in advertising budgets in Switzerland as well as all other Affichage markets. In the first half of 2009, our domestic sales revenue declined by 24.0% to CHF 116.2 million; abroad, sales revenue fell by 19.4% to CHF 56.4 million.

Financial highlights:

  • Decrease in sales revenue by 22.5% to CHF 172.6 million
  • Decrease of EBITDA by 43.1% to CHF 23.1 million
  • Decrease of operating income (EBIT) by 66.9% to CHF 8.2 million
  • Decrease of net income by 60.9% to CHF 5.9 million
  • Decrease of cash flow by 53.8% to CHF 16.3 million