

Zurich Airport: Increasing passengers numbers and contact chances

February 19, 2020

In 2019, the number of passengers travelling through Zurich Airport rose another 1.3% to 31.5 million. In parallel, commercial revenue recorded an additional increase, exceeding 600 million Swiss francs for the first time. The Airport and its offer of advertising space, which has been exclusively marketed by APG|SGA since the beginning of the year, have thereby become increasingly attractive.

September 2020 will see the next milestone in the history of Zurich Airport: The Circle at Zurich Airport, the new "place to be", is celebrating its opening. A new business and leisure centre has been developed over 180,000 m², one which will shape Zurich's appeal in a visionary way.

Benefit now from excellent advertising opportunities at prime locations right on the access road to Zurich Airport and The Circle. Get an impression of the unmatched impact of the 17 MegaPosters at Zurich Airport, captured from a bird's eye view.
Click here to watch the video

More information:

Tony Mandingorra, Head of Airport Advertising
T +41 58 220 70 21, tony.mandingorra@apgsga.ch


Nadja Mühlemann
Head of PR / press office
