

Heading for the future together: APG|SGA wins SBB tender and will substantially step up its drive toward digitalization as implementation proceeds

November 1, 2017

In a public SBB tender, APG|SGA has been awarded the contract for all lots relating to all analogue and digital third-party advertising at all Swiss train stations. A new feature of the contract is that it also includes exclusive marketing of interior and exterior advertising on trains.  In a highly competitive tendering process, APG|SGA's bids won out over various rivals in Switzerland's largest tender for Out of Home advertising.

Together with SBB, APG|SGA will launch a completely new, innovative and comprehensively digitalized Out of Home media offering. The contract starts on 1 January 2019 and will run for between five and ten years, depending on the lot – with additional options for SBB to extend each lot. APG|SGA will make substantial investments, particularly in digitalization in train stations, and, working with SBB, will create a new national out-of-home media offering in the premium segment which will be unique in Switzerland. Markus Ehrle, CEO of APG|SGA says "We are very pleased to be working with SBB on what will be a milestone in the development of Out of Home advertising in Switzerland. We are confident that our innovative projects will generate significant added value both for SBB and its millions of rail customers and for our advertisers, and that they will raise Switzerland's Out of Home media scene to a new level."

January 2017 saw SBB launch its "Public tender for third-party advertising space on SBB premises throughout Switzerland". The product inventory was put out to tender in various lots based on quantitative and qualitative requirements. The lots included analogue posters, all digital advertising spaces, megaposters, investment advertising (painted billboards and hoardings on buildings and walls) and interior and exterior advertising on trains. The promotional spaces business, which is currently already operated by APG|SGA Promotion (and will continue to be for the foreseeable future), did not form part of the tender. This means that in future APG|SGA will continue to provide its advertisers with a comprehensive offering, covering all touchpoints of the entire SBB transport chain.


APG|SGA Media Office
Giesshübelstrasse 4, 8027 Zurich, T +41 58 220 70 71, media@apgsga.ch



Nadja Mühlemann
Head of PR / press office
