

New faces and organization in APG|SGA's «International Sales» to strengthen customer focus

July 9, 2015

In response to the growing overlap between national and international customers, the «International Sales» department is to be combined with Key Account Management (KAM). This move will enable APG|SGA to redouble its knowledge transfer and customer focus. In future, Key Account Manager Tony Mandingorra will be working closely with Media Planner Céline Landert, advising and supporting the growing, international network of customers.

Tony Mandingorra is taking over Key Account Management International Sales from 1 August 2015. He has many years' experience of out-of-home media, speaks five languages and has all the skills needed to sup-port the international customer network. Mandingorra first joined APGISGA back in 2004 and his roles have included Key Account Manager for «eAdvertising,» as it was known at the time, which specializes in digital advertising spaces. We are delighted that Tony Mandingorra is taking over KAM International Sales and contributing his long experience of outdoor advertising and strong service focus to the growing international business, says Juan Manuel Fernandez, who has overall responsibility for Key Account Management at APG|SGA.

Mandingorra succeeds Manuela Ivone, who is embarking upon a new challenge in the media industry and will be leaving the company at the end of July 2015. APG|SGA would like to thank Manuela Ivone for her excellent contribution over the last eight years and wishes her every success and much fulfilment in her pro-fessional and personal life in the future.

Céline Landert is joining KAM International Sales from Sales, Zurich & Eastern Switzerland Region on 1 September 2015. She will be taking over media planning from Dorit Hirsch, who is changing role at APG|SGA and will be taking over as Head of  Marketing Communication at APG|SGA, Allgemeine Plakatge-sellschaft AG with effect from 1 August 2015.

KAM International Sales contacts (pictures)
Tony Mandingorra, Head of KAM International Sales (from 1 August 2015)
T+41 58 220 70 21, tony.mandingorra@apgsga.ch

Céline Landert, media planning, KAM International Sales (from 1 September 2015)
T+41 58 220 70 45, celine.landert@apgsga.ch

Contact for questions about this press release
APGISGA Media Office
Giesshübelstrasse 4, 8027 Zurich, tel. +41 58 220 70 71, media@apgsga.ch


Nadja Mühlemann
Head of PR / press office
