

APG|SGA to launch rail beamers at Zurich Airport station

March 13, 2015

On 13 April 2015, APG|SGA will commission two more high-performance rail beamers at Zurich Airport station. The full HD digital projectors display on landscape-format surfaces which enjoy a very high level of attention due to their attractive locations. With these projectors APG|SGA is adding to its proven portfolio, having already successfully introduced the first four LED beamers at Zurich main station in September 2013.


The two new projection surfaces, each measuring twelve square metres, are located in a waiting area at Zurich Airport station between platforms 2 and 3, generating the best-possible chances of adverts being seen. These high-performance, full HD LED beamers offer customers an advertising platform that meets the highest quality requirements.

International advertising environment
The digital advertisements are projected in a 120-second loop at a resolution of 1920x1080 (full HD). A varied loop (in combination with a news and weather feature) creates optimal acceptance and increased attention in the waiting area. With around 350 daily rail connections, Zurich Airport station is considered to be one of the best-connected locations in Switzerland. Chris Mühlemann, Managing Director of APG|SGA Rail, cites the advantages: "Zurich Airport station is underneath the Airport Center. Thanks to the excellent connections with international flight traffic, our customers benefit from an extremely attractive advertising environment with appealing target groups consisting of holidaymakers, business travellers, commuters, international travellers with strong purchasing power and airport employees."

Flexible booking
Ads are displayed daily for 20 hours. The permitted ad length is a minimum of 5 seconds and a maximum of 76 seconds. Rail beamer projection bookings are flexible and can be for specific days or whole weeks. Until 27 March 2015, an exclusive annual advertising presence can be booked. Bookings for daily and weekly advertising slots will be taken from 30 March 2015. From this date, it will also be possible to book an annual advertising presence with shorter sequences. The new rail beamer service at Zurich Airport station can be booked individually or be combined with further advertising projection space at Zurich main station or additional out-of-home media solutions.

Project responsibility for the development and installation was assumed by APG|SGA Rail. Sales and digital product advice services are managed by APG|SGA, Allgemeine Plakatgesellschaft AG.

Chris Mühlemann, Managing Director, APG|SGA Rail, Allgemeine Plakatgesellschaft AG
 +41 58 220 79 30, rail@apgsga.ch, www.apgsga.ch/rail

Ulrich Ritschard, Digital Projects, APG|SGA Rail, Allgemeine Plakatgesellschaft AG
+41 58 220 79 30, rail@apgsga.ch, www.apgsga.ch/rail

APG|SGA, Allgemeine Plakatgesellschaft AG, Media Office
Giesshübelstrasse 4, 8045 Zurich, +41 58 220 70 71, media@apgsga.ch