

APG|SGA refines «Double Impact» targeting concept: now with target group selection and city cover

January 22, 2015

In spring 2014 «Double Impact» was launched, a product that enables posters to be combined with advertising banners on mobile devices. Now, APG|SGA is adapting the offer for display advertising to reflect the new opportunities.  From now on, target group can be delimited even more precisely by age and gender, even in large cities.


The fusion of poster advertising with display advertising is one of the most exciting marketing topics right now. 75 percent of Swiss people own a smartphone and 42 percent use a tablet (source: Media Use Index 2014). In other words: there is a great deal of potential in display advertising and, thanks to «Double Impact», traditional poster advertising can be reinforced with pinpoint precision on mobile devices. When a user is in the vicinity (50 m) of an APG|SGA poster site, a banner from the same advertiser is automatically displayed on the customer's smartphone or tablet. The user therefore receives the campaign message on multiple channels, geolocalized and in real time. The possibilities on mobile devices are almost limitless: animations, interactive elements, video integration or input fields give full rein to creativity.

Refined, even more specific product
From now on, in mobile advertising the target group can be defined by age and gender. Additional selection criteria and tracking concepts are conceivable in future, which will be developed in partnership with Jaduda GmbH. As for the distance from the nearest poster site, APG|SGA has already expanded its product range: combined with a poster campaign, advertisers can now cover an entire city with display advertising. A choice of three product sizes are available, depending on the number of impressions required.

Markus Ehrle (CEO) says: «With Double Impact, we are offering our customers the only tool of its kind in Switzerland for extending traditional poster campaigns with intelligent multichannel marketing. We can ensure that our customers achieve the optimum, cumulative advertising effect for their display advertising campaigns with their budget and reach their relevant target group.»


APG|SGA Media Office
Giesshübelstrasse 4, 8027 Zurich, tel. +41 58 220 70 71, media@apgsga.ch


Nadja Mühlemann
Head of PR / press office
