

Letter to Shareholders - APG|SGA AG

July 31, 2014

- Positive income growth and strong balance sheet.
- Increased operating performance and further process enhancements.
- Integration of Impacta AG and Ecofer AG completed.

In brief

  • Slight decrease in sales revenues in Switzerland of 1.3% to CHF 143.1 million with stable contract portfolio.
  • Positive growth of operating performance:
    - 11.0% increase in EBITDA to CHF 37.4 million
    - 13.3% increase in EBIT to CHF 32.1 million
  • Increase in EBITDA margin to 24.5% and EBIT margin to 21.0% thanks to process enhancements and sustained cost reductions.
  • Sharp rise in net income by 20.3% to CHF 25.3 million.