

APG|SGA fully acquires Impacta and Ecofer

February 27, 2014

With retroactive effect as of January 1, 2014, APG|SGA AG is acquiring the remaining 50% of the shares in Impacta AG and Ecofer AG from Polymedia Holding AG. This acquisition means that APG|SGA has now fully acquired the two companies, in which it has had a 50% holding since 1970. The purchase price will be paid in APG|SGA shares from APG|SGA's own holdings. The corresponding number of APG|SGA shares is dependent on certain commercial conditions being met. Otherwise, the parties have agreed on non-disclosure with regard to the purchase price. The sale price was considered appropriate in a fairness opinion from KPMG.

Impacta AG and Ecofer AG have been concessionaires of the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) for over 40 years, as well as of BLS, further private and mountain railways and other partners. Both companies were founded by Walter Scheidegger, a key pioneer of the Swiss outdoor advertising industry, and they market a unique, high-reach portfolio of outdoor advertising formats in Swiss railway stations. Impacta's offer includes all classic poster formats as well as state-of-the-art digital products, such as ePanels, eBoards and Rail Beamers. Ecofer, on the other hand, specializes in special advertising formats, such as illuminated advertising, MegaPosters, 3D displays and other products in the non-poster segment.

This acquisition documents APG|SGA's leading role in the marketing of high-quality advertising spaces in a segment that has an above-average growth potential thanks to the constantly increasing number of people using railway stations. APG|SGA thus highlights its impressive market offer for concession partners and the advertising industry in the field of railway station advertising. With its long-standing experience, innovative power and tried and true know-how in marketing and logistics for analog and digital outdoor advertising in railway stations, APG|SGA adds attractive value for its market partners.

This transaction has strengthened the position of brothers Markus and Andreas Scheidegger, the owners of Polymedia Holding AG, as long-standing, significant shareholders of APG|SGA and correspondingly increased their shareholding in the company as part of the share exchange. Markus Scheidegger will run for re-election as a member of the Board of Directors of APG|SGA, but is resigning from his functions as Board delegate for Impacta AG and Ecofer AG. In the interests of consistent corporate governance, a clear separation between the board of directors of the Group and the operational functions of the individual companies will thus be carried out as well.

Daniel Hofer, CEO, APG|SGA AG
APG|SGA, Giesshübelstrasse 4, 8045 Zürich, T +41 58 220 70 00, daniel.hofer@apgsga.ch

Markus Scheidegger, Board delegate
Impacta AG and Ecofer AG, T +41 31 352 24 24, markus.scheidegger@impacta.ch

About the companies
APG|SGA SA is Switzerland’s leading Out of Home media company. Listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange in Zurich, APG|SGA covers all aspects of Out of Home advertising: on the street, at the airport, in shopping centers and train stations, in mountain regions and on public transport – from poster campaigns with the widest coverage and large poster spaces to state of the art digital advertising media. When communicating with customers, authorities and the advertising industry, APG|SGA represents sustainability, innovation and expertise.

Impacta APG|SGA, Impacta  AG, is a partner of Swiss Federal Railways SBB and responsible for poster advertising on SBB-owned property, inside and outside stations. As a railway specialist, it also counts Swiss private, tourist and mountain railways as well as car parks among its partners.

Ecofer APG|SGA, Ecofer AG, specializes in non-poster advertising, and markets in heavily-frequented outdoor advertising spaces in railway stations and railway areas. In combination with APG|SGA‘s (large) digital screens and posters, Ecofer APG|SGA covers the whole advertising range in Swiss railway stations.


Nadja Mühlemann
Head of PR / press office
