

APG|SGA SA: Shareholders approved all the proposals of the Board of Directors

May 22, 2013

The shareholders of the APG|SGA SA have approved all the proposals of the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting of 22 May 2013. A total dividend of CHF 10 composed of an ordinary dividend of CHF 7 and an exceptional dividend of CHF 3 will be paid out. In addition, Paul-Henry Binz was re-elected as a member of the Board of Directors for another year. Finally, the shareholders have approved the remuneration system put in place in 2012 on an advisory vote.

At today’s AGM of APG|SGA SA, the present shareholders (representing 86.1% of the registered shares with voting rights) approved all the items on the agenda put forward by the Board of Directors.

The annual report, the annual accounts and the consolidated financial statements for 2012 have been approved, as well as the distribution of a gross dividend of CHF 10 per share. Discharge was granted to the entire Board of Director’s for the fiscal year 2012 and Paul-Henry Binz, as member of the Board of Directors, was re-elected for an additional one-year term. The Board of Directors is now composed of Jean-François Decaux (Chairman), Paul-Henry Binz (Vice-Chairman), Gilles Samyn, Robert Schmidli and Markus Scheidegger. The system of remuneration for the Board of Directors and the senior management has been approved by 98.6% on an advisory vote.

Jean-François Decaux, Chairman of the Board of Directors: «We are grateful to our shareholders for their expression of trust and are delighted that our company is again in excellent health. The strategic reorientation in the Swiss market, rigorously implemented, as well as the activities in Serbia have been successful, which makes me very optimistic for the future of our company.»

Dr. Daniel Hofer, CEO: «According to Media Focus, the gross advertising expenses across all media types have once again slightly decreased. At the end of April, the respective figures were 0.2% below the values of same period of last year. In such an economically demanding context, APG|SGA SA expects for the end of the first semester 2013, in Switzerland, a turnover which is more or less equivalent to the turnover of the strong first six months of last year. Nevertheless, we are confident that we will continue to outperform the advertising market for the following reason: As an innovative leader in all the segments of the analog or digital Out of Home media market, our company has a convincing portfolio of services. Therefore we are expecting to reach a performance beyond the average for our shareholders, our contract partners and our advertisers.»


Dr. Daniel Hofer, CEO APG|SGA SA

Giesshübelstrasse 4, 8045 Zurich, T +41 58 220 71 66, daniel.hofer@apgsga.ch

About the company

APG|SGA SA is Switzerland’s leading Out of Home media company. Listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange in Zurich, APG|SGA covers all aspects of Out of Home advertising: on the street, at the airport, in shopping centers and train stations, in mountain regions and on public transport – from poster campaigns with the widest coverage and large poster spaces to state of the art digital advertising media. When communicating with customers, authorities and the advertising industry, APG|SGA represents sustainability, innovation and expertise.