

Posters are appealing and make a strong impact

December 10, 2012

In a comparison spanning several years, APG|SGA’s PPI Poster Performance Index project has concluded that posters enjoy a consistently high level of appeal with the general public and make a strong impact. The surveys will be continued into 2013.

“I find posters appealing or very appealing” – this was the opinion of 81% of over 1,000 people aged 15-59, according to a recent ad-hoc survey as part of APG|SGA’s PPI Poster Performance Index. The survey reveals that women and 30-44 year-olds are those who find posters most appealing.
The comparison, which has been conducted over several years into levels of appeal (which are key for advertising acceptance), shows a consistent, above-average positive attitude towards posters. Of those surveyed in 2005 and 1997, 77% and 70% respectively considered posters "appealing" or "very appealing" (15-59 year olds) – each with similarly stable values within the subgroups of “gender” or “age”.

PPI® indicates the strengths of the poster
PPI® Poster Performance Index is a post test carried out regularly by APG|SGA which measures the effect of poster campaigns. The survey investigates the recollection, recognition and appeal of national campaigns in 15-59 year olds. A long-term analysis by PPI® indicates the strengths of outdoor advertising – on average, more than half of those surveyed can remember poster campaigns.

Surveys continue into 2013
The PPI surveys will continue into next year. The tool established in the market to measure the effectiveness of poster campaigns allows for benchmark comparisons based on brands, market segments and sectors – based on over 900 campaign results. Since 2012, the survey has been carried out online in Switzerland's five largest agglomerations – Zurich, Basel, Berne, Geneva, and Lausanne.

Contact information
Christof Hotz, Head of Market Research, APG|SGA
Giesshübelstrasse 4, CH-8027 Zurich, T +41 58 220 78 45, christof.hotz@apgsga.ch


About the company
APG|SGA is Switzerland’s leading outdoor advertising company. Specializing in digital and analogue poster products at busy locations, it covers all your outdoor advertising needs together with its segment brands. With great care and environmental responsibility, over 550 staff at 17 sites maintain display spaces and poster campaigns throughout Switzerland.


Nadja Mühlemann
Head of PR / press office
