

Campaign for “More Beautiful Old City of Belgrade”

August 26, 2011

Campaign for “More Beautiful Old City of Belgrade” has contributed in unconventional manner to promoting of the concept for cleaner urban surrounding.

Collaboration between Alma Quattro and McCann Erickson has lead to realization of bold creative idea that stands out from traditional clichés.

Since both companies are located in Old city of Belgrade Municipality, it came spontaneous to act jointly on the same project and that is to support action for cleaner living surrounding in this part of the city. We truly hope that other municipalities in Belgrade will follow and act upon the same cause in similar fashion in order to make our city look better for all its residents.

We are all aware of numerous campaigns addressing different issues of urban living, but the difference that they make is due to their unexpected and interesting flirt of ideas. McCann Erickson and its creative team have come to idea to draw attention of ordinary citizens with unusual and mischievous visuals. Alma Quattro has posted them on our network to drive attention and to reach people with the idea what is it all about, and that is: “People clean after your dog”.

This is an action for the benefit of all the residents in Old City of Belgrade Municipality.


Nadja Mühlemann
Head of PR / press office
