
APG|SGA as an employer

As Switzerland's leading company in Out of Home Media, APG|SGA offers a wide range of interesting and diverse careers and has around 500 employees in Switzerland. Addressing issues such as comprehensive onboarding, occupational health, equality, equal pay, diversity, flexibility, flat hierarchies and social responsibility is a matter of course for us.

APG|SGA is a "Great Place To Work"

APG|SGA is officially certified as a "Great Place To Work", which we are very pleased about. Discover more about the certification.

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Great Place to Work

We are committed to the environment and sustainability

APG|SGA aims to create sustainable value not only for partners, customers and shareholders, but also for its employees, while at the same time making a contribution to the environment and society. Find out more about the measures and goals implemented as part of our corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy.

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Competent, motivated employees

"Our employees are the foundation of our success." This is stated in our mission statement, and it represents a bond that has seen us through good times and bad. APG|SGA AG offers an attractive and advanced wage scale along with modern working conditions and workplaces in an exciting industry. 

A range of measures and fringe benefits help guarantee that APG|SGA employees have a modern, healthy working environment in which they can carry out meaningful work. 

  • A Sounding Board with a diverse range of representatives from every department and region meets regularly to address employee concerns and offer direct suggestions to the Management Board or the relevant department.

  • The health of our employees is a top priority. Billposters and administrative employees alike have access to a wide range of training and seminar options on health topics.

  • There is an anonymous, independent whistleblower system for reporting misconduct of any type, at any time.

  • Time off is granted over and above the statutory minimum for purposes such as maternity or paternity leave, family events, vaccination appointments and blood donation.

  • We have wage equality between women and men as certified by the "Fair-ON-Pay Advanced" label.

  • Integration courses offer individuals with specific needs the opportunity to get their working life off to the right start.

  • Beyond APG|SGA, collaborations with non-profit social organisations ensure meaningful work for people with special needs.

  • APG|SGA employees benefit from a solid pension fund with an optional savings contribution.

    More Fringe Benefits 


Claudia Fischbacher
Head of Human Resources
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